Jongmin Byun

Education and qualification

  • Ph.D., 2011, Department of Geography Education, Seoul National University, South Korea.
    • Ph.D. Thesis: Development and application of a numerical landscape evolution model to understand the uplift history of the Korean Peninsula (in Korean with abstract in English). Adviser: Jong Wook Kim.
  • M.A., 2005, Department of Geography Education, Seoul National University, South Korea.
  • B.A., 2002, Department of Geography Education, Seoul National University, South Korea.

Research Interests

  • Neo-tectonics of the Korean Peninsula
  • Application and improvement of numerical landscape evolution model
  • Quantitative analysis of geomorphology using GIS
  • Quantification of the rate of earth surface processes
  • Geomorphology Education


  • Chen, H. and Byun, J., 2023, Effects of Erosional Resistance on Bedrock Channel Occurrence and Morphology: Examination of the Seo River Catchment in South Korea, Geomorphology, 438: 108810.
  • Lee, W. Y., Chen, H., and Byun, J., 2022, A Proposal of the valley bottom extraction method suitable for mountain catchment based on the comparative analysis of the valley bottom extraction methods, Journal of the Korean Geomorphological Association, 29(4), 1~22. (in Korean with abstract in English)
  • Byun, J., 2022, Development of the geomorphological fieldwork course in an urban area for pre-service teachers, Journal of the association of Korean geographers, 11(3), 287-303. (in Korean with abstract in English)
  • Byun, J. and Paik, K., 2021, The development process of the Korean coastal mountain range: Examination from spatial distribution of knickzones, Progress in Physical Geography, 45(4), 541-563, doi:10.1177/0309133320975654.
  • Lim, Y. S., Byun, J., and Kim, J. K., 2021, Evaluation of soil erosion in small mountainous watersheds using SWAT model: A case study of the Woldong Catchment, Anseong, Journal of the Korean Geomorphological Association, 28(1), 13-33. (in Korean with abstract in English)
  • Shin, W. J., Lee, J. H., Byun, J., and Kim, J. Y., 2019, The Evidence for the high sea level of MIS 5e and the paleo-coastal sediments from Sinji-myen, Wando-gun, Jeollanam-do, Korea, Journal of the Korean Geomorphological Association, 26(1), 59-78.
  • Chen, H., Kim, J. W., Han, M., and Byun, J., 2019, The Effects of Incised Meandering Valley and Lithological Differences on the Grain Size and Shape of Channel Bed Materials: A Case Study of the Upper and Middle Reaches of Gongneungcheon River, Journal of the Korean Geomorphological Association, 26(1), 15-26. (in Korean with abstract in English)
  • Byun, J., 2018, Reorganization of the teaching contents in the geomorphology class in the college of education, Journal of Geography Education, 62, 9-27. (in Korean with abstract in English)
  • Byun, J. and Paik, K., 2017, Small profile concavity of a fine-bed alluvial channel, Geology, 45(7), 627-630, doi:10.1130/G38879.1.
  • Kim, D. E., Seong, Y. B., Byun, J., Weber, J., and Min, K., 2015, Geomorphic disequilibrium in the eastern Korean Peninsula: Possible evidence for reactivation of a rift-flank margin, Geomorphology, 254, 130-145, DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.11.022.
  • Byun, J., Heimsath, M. A., Seong, Y. B., and Lee, S. Y., 2015, Erosion of a high-altitude, low-relief area on the Korean Peninsula: Implications for its development processes and evolution, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40(13), 1730-1745, DOI: 10.1002/esp.3749.
  • Byun, J. and Seong, Y. B., 2015, An algorithm to extract more accurate stream longitudinal profiles from unfilled DEMs, Geomorphology, 242, 38-48. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.03.015.
  • Byun, J., 2015, Rock slope development in a tectonically stable region: Implications of simulations using a 1-dimensional hillslope model, Journal of the Geomorphological Association of Korea, 22(2), 61-74. (in Korean with abstract in English)
  • Byun, J. and Seong, Y. B., 2015, A perspective on the sustainability of soil landscape based on the comparison between the Pre-Anthropocene soil production and late 20th century soil loss rates, Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, 50(2), 165-183. (in Korean with abstract in English)
  • Kim, D. E., Byun, J., and Seong Y. B., 2014, The study on the change of longitudinal profiles using 1-dimensional detachment-limited bedrock channel model: Theoretical approach, Journal of the Association of Korean Geographers, 3(2), 127-137. (in Korean with abstract in English)
  • Byun, J. and Seong, Y. B., 2014, Comparison analysis of methods for smoothing the stream profiles extracted from digital elevation models and suggestion of a new smoothing method, Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, 49(3), 339~356. (in Korean with abstract in English)
  • Byun, J. M. and Kim, J. W., 2011, Development of a 2 dimensional numerical landscape evolution model on a geological time scale, Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, 46(6), 673~692. (in Korean with abstract in English)
  • Byun, J. M., 2011, Theoretical framework for application and development of two-dimensional numerical landscape evolution models on a geological time scale, Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, 46(3), 331-350. (in Korean with abstract in English)
  • Byun, J. M. and Kim, J. W., 2009, The influence of the Infinitive Flow Direction algorithm and Horn slope algorithm on the Topographic Index and hydrological responses of the TOPMODEL, Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, 44(3), 207-223. (in Korean with abstract in English)
  • Choi, K. H., Kim, J. W., Choi, J. H., Byun, J. M., Hong, S. C. Shin, Y. K., and Lee, S. J., 2008, Luminescence dating of coastal dune sequences on Wonsan Island and its implications, Journal of the Korea Geomorphological Association, 15(4), 39-51. (in Korean with abstract in English)
  • Munyikwa, K., Choi, J. H., Choi, K. H., Byun, J. M., Kim, J. W., and Park, K., 2008, Coastal dune luminescence chronologies indicating a mid-Holocene highstand along the east coast of the Yellow Sea, Journal of Coastal Research, 24, 92-103
  • Kim, J. W, Chang, H. W., Choi, J. H., Choi, K. H., and Byun, J. M., 2007, Landform characteristics of coastal terraces and optically stimulated luminescence dating on the terrace deposits in Yangnam and Yangbuk area of the Gyongju city, South Korea, Journal of the Korea Geomorphological Association, 14(3), 1-14.
  • Kim, J. W, Chang, H. W., Choi, J. H., Choi, K. H., and Byun, J. M., 2007, Optically stimulated luminescence dating on the marine terrace deposits of Hujeong-Jukbyeon region in Uljin, Korea, Journal of the Korea Geomorphological Association, 14(1), 15-27. (in Korean with abstract in English)
  • Kim, J. W, Chang, H. W., Choi, J. H., Choi, K. H., and Byun, J. M., 2005, The morphological characteristics and geochronological ages of coastal terraces oh Heunghae region in northern Pohang city, Korea, Journal of the Korea Geomorphological Association, 12(1), 103-116. (in Korean with abstract in English)
  • Munyikwa, K., Kim, J., Choi, J., Choi, K., and Byun, J., 2004, The development and luminescence chronology of a coastal dune from the Shindu Dunefield, T’aean Peninsula, Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, 39(2), 269-282.

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