콘텐츠로 바로가기
Hui Chen
- Doctoral student
- Email: mlqschen@snu.ac.kr
- Research Interests
- Fluvial geomorphology. Focused on mountain rivers, especially headwater catchment, bedrock rivers, and fluvial sediment.
- Application and improvement of topographic analysis based on digital elevation models
Hui Chen CV.pdf
Seungwoo Ha
- Doctoral student
- Email: feelseungi@snu.ac.kr
- Research Interests
- Geography education in secondary education, Focused in geomorphology and natural disaster.
- Application of game method to geography class.
- Design of a topographic field work program centered on student life world.
Seungwoo Ha CV.pdf
Juyeon Kim
- Doctoral student
- Email: szszbong96@snu.ac.kr
- Research Interests
- Tectonic geomorphology. Focused on tectonic landform (marine terraces, fluvial terraces), fault or uplift induced knickzone and surface deformation.
- Luminescence and Radiometric dating technique. especially counting photon using luminescence stimulation.
- Numerical landscape evolution modeling. Focused on reconstruction of paleo tectonic environment and validation of hypothesis.
Juyeon Kim CV.pdf
Ha-Eun Lee
- Master student
- Email: geodyadeun@snu.ac.kr
- Research Interests
- Natural disaster (especially flooding).
- Geomorphological classification of physical landscape.
Sarang Kang
- Master student
- Email: geolove@snu.ac.kr
- Research Interests
- Development of a digital geographic exploration program for middle and high school student
- Geomorphology class using new media
- Activity-oriented(Student-centered) Teaching Methods