Formation and development of the Taebaek Mountain Range
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- Byun, J., Heimsath, M. A., Seong, Y. B., and Lee, S. Y., 2015, Erosion of a high-altitude, low-relief area on the Korean Peninsula: Implications for its development processes and evolution, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40(13), 1730-1745, doi: 10.1002/esp.3749. [link]
Terrain analysis and numerical landscape evolution modeling
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- Byun, J., and Seong, Y. B., 2015, An algorithm to extract better stream longitudinal profiles from depression unfilled DEMs, Geomorphology, 242, 38-48, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.03.015. [link]
- Byun, J., 2015, Rock slope development in a tectonically stable region: Implications of simulations using a 1-dimensional hillslope model, Journal of the Geomorphological Association of Korea, 22(2), 61-74. (in Korean with abstract in English) [link]
- Byun, J. M. and Kim, J. W., 2011, Development of a 2 dimensional numerical landscape evolution model on a geological time scale, Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, 46(6), 673~692. (in Korean with abstract in English) [link]
- Source code (in Korean)
Geomorphological classification and sustainability assessment for the natural landscapes in Korea
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- Hui, C. and Jongmin, B., 2021. Effects of relief on the range of hillslope and headwater catchment, 2021 AGU FallMeeting. [poster link]
Geomorphology Education
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- Byun, J., 2022, Development of the geomorphological fieldwork course in an urban area for pre-service teachers, Journal of the Association of Korean Geographers, 11(3), 287-303. (in Korean with abstract in English) [link]
- Byun, J., 2018, Reorganization of the teaching contents in the geomorphology class in the college of education, Journal of Geography Education, 62, 9-27. (in Korean with abstract in English) [link]